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2023 Spring Referendum
Unlocking the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources: Making It Happen with Citizen Participation
Our campaign will highlight the fact that opening a file and adoption for an advisory referendum, which would allow Milwaukeeans to gain clarity about what initiatives may look like and have their voices heard by those crafting policy decisions moving forward, is the right course of action.
We have two questions on the ballot for Milwaukee voters to answer:
1. Do you support the creation of a Municipality managed, citizen-owned utility in Milwaukee?
2. Would you like to see more competition among distributors and providers of electricity in Milwaukee?
Our campaign for the Common Council to open a file and adopt an advisory referendum is designed to create greater transparency and fairness between stakeholders at all levels of government.
"This is due to a lack of competition among electricity providers, high costs, and limited consumer protection measures. These issues have been further exacerbated by the current pandemic which has put even more pressure on vulnerable customers who are already struggling with their energy bills."
We believe that citizens should have the opportunity to voice their opinions on initiatives through more formal means than informal surveys or roundtables can provide. This will help ensure that the interests of all individuals, regardless of background or socio-economic circumstances, are taken into consideration.
EJII Stories

How Milwaukee Voters Can Be Part of the Solution to Reduce the City's Energy Burden
Milwaukee voters are being asked to provide input on a critical issue facing the city: the high energy burden. It is essential that they have the opportunity to answer two important questions related to this matter. The first question pertains to whether or not Milwaukee should create a municipality-managed, citizen-owned utility. This type of arrangement has been successfully implemented in other communities, and it would allow local citizens to have more direct control over their energy options by providing an alternative power source and access to competitive pricing.
The second question seeks feedback on whether or not Milwaukee should explore ways to increase competition among distributors and providers of electricity in the city. Introducing additional providers could potentially lower the cost of electricity for residents, as well as make renewable energy solutions more accessible and reduce the city's dependence on fossil fuels. However, this would require careful consideration from stakeholders regarding how such an approach would be regulated and how consumer protection measures would be enforced.
A panel of experts should be assembled to analyze current energy practices in Milwaukee and recommend specific changes that could improve customer choice, reduce costs, promote sustainability, and ensure consumer protection.
Additionally, representatives from each district should come together to form a Citizens' Advisory Council with representatives from various community organizations who can provide input on potential solutions related to creating a municipally owned utility and enhancing competition within the electricity sector in Milwaukee. Through targeted engagement and proper outreach strategies such as public hearings or town hall meetings, citizens can gain clarity about what these initiatives may look like and also offer meaningful feedback on their potential impacts within their own neighborhoods.
Ultimately, by providing opportunities for meaningful dialogue between policymakers and constituents regarding these matters while also conducting thoughtful research into viable alternatives, Milwaukee can strive toward realizing its goal of reducing its energy burden while maintaining affordable access to reliable utilities for all its citizens moving forward into 2023 and beyond.
Timeline to Pass Referendum & GOTV for Spring Election
January 1, 2023, - January 17,2023
February 1, 2023 - February 28, 2023
March 1 -2023 - March 31, 2023
Secured the sponsorship of a Common Council member or members to file an action for the Common Council in order to create an advisory referendum and achieved immediate adoption at the first meeting in January 2023, ensuring timely submission of the Spring ballot. This has to be accomplished during the Common Council January 17th, 2023 session.
The first step is to increase registration efforts among black voters. The next step is to focus on increasing turnout among already-registered black voters.
Ultimately, ensuring a strong black turnout in Milwaukee during the upcoming Supreme Court election will require extensive collaboration between grassroots activists, community organizers, government officials, elected representatives, religious leaders and other organizations who all share a vested interest in seeing fair representation at every level of government across Wisconsin.
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