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The Wisconsin Environmental Justice and Infrastructure Initiative (EJII) The Wisconsin EJII is a cross-disciplinary group that aims to provide greater access to networks, leadership, and resources that support the mission of equitable infrastructure investment, in a wide range of Environmental Justice situations, involving the rights of individuals, especially Wisconsin Communities of Color.

What for?

All over the United States, communities of color are leading neighborhood-based climate initiatives, advancing strategic actions, and informing policies and practices. However, these community leaders do not always receive the resources, support, or recognition needed to foster transformative impact.


Wisconsin Environmental Justice Infrastructure Initiative is changing the narrative by bringing together diverse grass roots groups, Black and other communities of color, to develop an innovative statewide Environmental Justice Initiative that is community-driven and equity-centered.


Increasing our knowledge and building capacity while galvanizing communities of color to support and advocate for equitable access and influence on infrastructure investments in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin.

  • Advocacy Organizations: 

    • Organizations working on aligned outcomes that would benefit from a larger network of advocates to strengthen their environmental justice and infrastructure demands.​

  • Impacted Residents: 

    • Communities suffering from unresolved Environmental Injustice and infrastructure issues that need support with increasing awareness and moving residents into action through outreach and engagement activities.  ​


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Engagement Focus

We target extractive inequitable legislation, policies, systems and processes to affect positive change on the well-being of Black and other communities of color across Wisconsin. 

  • Municipalities​, Appointed Decision Makers / Regulatory Bodies​

    • Appointed decision makers within regulatory bodies that hold power to affect regulations. ​

  • Elected Decision Makers

    • Elected officials who hold decision-making power over key policies, budgets and industries.

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